
Incorporation of IoT and finance has the potential to lever billions of capital. IoT finance establishes relatively objective credit system via massive, impersonal and comprehensive data, greatly enhancing liability and efficiency of risk management and control. IoT finance is panoramic, fully reflects real and fictitious economy and will generate better credit patterns, credit evaluation and risk modes.

Incorporation of IoT and finance has the potential to lever billions of capital. IoT finance establishes relatively objective credit system via massive, impersonal and comprehensive data, greatly enhancing liability and efficiency of risk management and control. IoT finance is panoramic, fully reflects real and fictitious economy and will generate better credit patterns, credit evaluation and risk modes.

1. Recognize, position, track, monitor and manage personal properties, and help financial institutions provide financing services on personal properties;

2. Create a financial market of warehouse receipts; establish a standard IoT warehouse receipt financing platform to turn over-the-counter trading to pit trading and reduce the cost of pit trading;

3. Solve the issue of information asymmetry, greatly reducing intermediate fees generated in credit exchange.